Experiment section domain ebi.ac.uk accession E-TABM-140 quality_control biological_replicate experiment_design_type binding_site_identification_design name Chromatin immunoprecipitation microarray (ChIP-chip) study using human erythroleukemia cell line K-562 and H3K4me2 (ab7766); H3K4me3 (ab8580); H3ac (06-599); H4ac (06-866): Histone H2B(ab1790) and Histone H3 (ab1791) antibodies (ENCODE). description "ENCODE ChIP-chip study using human myelogenous leukemia cell line K-562 and anti histone H3K4me2 (Abcam; ab7766); H3K4me3 (Abcam; ab8580); H3ac (Upstate; 06-599); H4ac (Upstate; 06-866); Histone H2B (Abcam: ab1790) and Histone H3 (Abcam: ab1791) antibodies. Each antibody experiment was conducted in three biological replicates, with two technical replicates performed for each biological replicate" ae_display_name Chromatin immunoprecipitation of Histone H3K4me2; H3K4me3; H3K9/14ac; H4K5/8/12/16ac; H2B and H3 release_date 2006-09-01 submission_date 2006-08-18 submitter Shane Dillon submitter_email scd@sanger.ac.uk investigator David Vetrie investigator_email vt1@sanger.ac.uk organization The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute address Wellcome Trust Genome Campus;Hinxton; Cambridge; CB10 1SA; UK publication_title The Landscape of Activating Histone Modifications across 1% of the Human Genome. authors Christoph M. Koch; Robert M. Andrews; Paul Flicek; Shane C. Dillon; Ula Karaöz; Gayle K. Clelland; Sarah Wilcox; David M. Beare; Joanna C. Fowler; Phillippe Couttet; Keith D. James; Gregory C. Lefebvre; Alexander W. Bruce; Oliver M. Dovey; Peter D. Ellis; Pawandeep Dhami; Cordelia F. Langford; Zhiping Weng; Ewan Birney; Nigel P. Carter; David Vetrie; Ian Dunham journal Genome Res volume issue pages year Protocol section accession name text GROW_K-562 K-562 CULTURE CONDITIONS Cells were grown in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 1% Penicillin/Streptomycin to a total number of ~ 3x10^8 cells. Dilute cell density to 3 x10^5/ml every two to three days. Split and feed 16 hours before cross-linking the cells. CROSSLINK_K-562_1 K-562_CHROMATIN PREPARATION_1 "Day 1 Cross linking cells and chromatin extraction/preparation
1. Grow or harvest 1x10^8 cells. Collect the cells by centrifuging at 1200 rpm for 5-8 minutes.
2. Resuspend the cells in pre-warmed 50 ml serum free media in a glass flask. Add 0.5 ml of formaldehyde solution in fume hood (37%; final concentration 0.37%) to cross link DNA-protein interactions. Incubate at room temperature with gentle agitation for 10 minutes.
3. Add 3.15 ml of 2M glycine (final concentration of 0.125M) and incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature with gentle shaking to stop the cross linking reaction.
4. Transfer the cells to a 50 ml Falcon tube on ice and centrifuge the cells at 1200 rpm for 6 minutes at 4C.
5. Remove supernatant and resuspend the pellet with 1.5 ml ice-cold PBS and keep on ice. Centrifuge the cells at 2000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C.
Add leupeptin, PMSF and sodium butyrate to CLB immediately before use
6. Gently resuspend the cell pellet in 1.5X pellet volume (this is approximate) of cell lysis buffer (CLB). Resuspend the cells by pipetting up and down and incubate for 10 minutes on ice. Centrifuge at 2500 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C to collect nuclei.
Keep NLB at room temperature
7. Remove the supernatant and resuspend the nuclei in 1.2 ml of nuclear lysis buffer (NLB) and incubate on ice for 10 minutes. Add 0.72 ml of IP dilution buffer (IPDB) and transfer to a 5 ml falcon tube.
8. Sonicate. First clean the tip with 0.1M HCl for one minute, then 0.1% SDS then rinse with HPLC water for one minute. Keep sample on ice at all times and position the sonicator tip just below the surface and the sides of the tube not touching the sonicator. The sample should turn from cloudy to clear.
Settings (Sanyo/MES Soniprep sonicator)
Amplitude(microns) 14
No. of bursts: 8
Length of burst: 30 sec
Sample cooled for 1min on ice between bursts
9. Using these conditions, the DNA is sheared to approximately 300-600 bp fragments. Transfer the sheared chromatin to 2ml microcentrifuge tubes and centrifuge at 13000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C to pellet debris
10. Transfer the supernatant to a 15 ml Falcon and add 4.1 ml of IPDB to each tube to bring the ratio of NLB:IPDB to 1:4. Supernatant can be frozen at this stage
cell lysis buffer (CLB)
10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0
10 mM NaCl
0.2% NP40
10 mM Sodium butyrate
50 ug/ml PMSF
1 ug/ml leupeptin

nuclear lysis buffer (NLB)
50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1
10 mM EDTA
1% SDS
10 mM Sodium butyrate
50 ug/ml PMSF
1 ug/ml leupeptin

IP dilution buffer (IPDB)
20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1
150 mM NaCl
1% Triton X-100
0.01% SDS
10 mM Sodium butyrate
50 ug/ml PMSF
1 ug/ml leupeptin

11. Preclear chromatin by adding 100ul of normal rabbit IgG (Upstate) and incubate for 1 hour at 4C on a rotating wheel. Add 200 ul of the homogenous protein G-agarose suspension (100ul of the bed volume/Roche) and incubate for 3 hours (or overnight) at 4C on a rotating wheel (cold room).
12. Centrifuge the beads at 3000 rpm for two minutes at 4°C. Use the supernatant (chromatin) to set up chromatin immunoprecipitation conditions. Supernatant can be frozen at this stage. " CROSSLINK_K-562_2 K-562_CHROMATIN PREPARATION_2 "Same as K-562_CHROMATIN PREPARATION_1, except cells were crosslinked with 1.35 ml formaldehyde(final concentration =1%) and 3.425 ml of glycine added to quench crosslinking. " CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION CHROMATINIMMUNOPRECIPITATION and DNA RECOVERY "Immunoprecipitation Day One
Control conditions

Normal rabbit IgG: 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ul Rabbit IgG (Upstate)
Input 270 ul of chromatin store at -20°C until step 5 next day.

Immunoprecipitation conditions

Histone H3 tri methyl K4 (Abcam, ab8895): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ug Histone H3 trimethyl K4 antibody
Histone H3 di methyl K4 (Abcam, ab7766): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 2.5 ug Histone H3 dimethyl K4 antibody
Histone H3 acetyl K9/14 (Upstate, 06-599): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ug Histone H3 acetyl K9/K14 antibody
Histone H4 acetyl K5/8/12/16 (Upstate, 06-866): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ug Histone H4 acetyl K5/8/12/16 antibody
Histone H2B (Abcam, ab1790): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ug Histone H2B antibody
Histone H3 (Abcam, ab1791): 675 ul chromatin + 675 ul 1:4 NLB:IPDB buffer + 10 ug Histone H3 antibody
The final concentration of the anti-serum in the immunoprecipitation conditions is usually between 0.8 to 1.6%. Incubate overnight at 4°C with rotation.

Day two

Steps 1-4 complete on ice and do not do with input!

1. Centrifuge the samples at 13000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C to remove any precipitated material. Transfer the samples to new 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes and add 100ul of the homogenous protein G-agarose suspension (50 ul of the bed volume). Incubate for at least 3 hours at 4°C with rotation.

2. Centrifuge the protein G-agarose beads at 13000 rpm for 20 seconds at 4°C. Leave the tube for 1 min to allow the protein-G agarose pellet to settle. Remove the supernatant and wash the pellet twice with 750 ul of IP wash buffer 1 (IPWB1) For each wash, vortex briefly and centrifuge at 7500 rpm (Sanyo centrifuge) for 2 minutes at 4°C, leave the tubes for one minute after spinning.

3. Wash the pellet similarly, once with 750 ul of IP wash buffer 2 (IPWB2) and twice with TE pH 8.0.

Keep IPEB at room temperature (high SDS spin at RT)
4. Elute the immune complexes (DNA-protein-antibody) from the beads by adding 225ul of IP dilution buffer (IPEB). Vortex strongly and centrifuge at 4000 rpm Eppendorf 5415 centrifuge (7500 rpm Sanyo centrifuge) for two minutes. Repeat this twice and combine both elutions in the same tube.

To reverse cross-links
5. Add 0.2 ul of RNase A (10 mg/ml stock/ ICN) and 27 ul of 5M NaCl (final concentration of 0.3M) to each sample. Also add 0.1ul of RNAse A and 16.2 ul of 5M NaCl to the input sample. Incubate the samples at 65°C for 6 hours

6. Add 9 ul of proteinase K (10 mg/ml stock/ Invitrogen) and incubate overnight at 45°C.

Day 3 Cleaning and separating DNA and protein

Complete steps in fume hood.
1. Add 2 ul tRNA (5 mg/ml stock/ Invitrogen) immediatly before adding 500ul of phenol/chloroform (in freezer). Vortex well, centrifuge at 13200 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature. Transfer the aqueous layer to a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes and repeat this step once with 500 ul of chloroform. Phenol waste is kept separate.

2. Add 5 ug of glycogen, 1 ul of tRNA (5 mg/ml stock) and 50 ul of 3M sodium acetate pH 5.2 to each sample. Vortex well and add 1.25 ml of ice cold 100 % ethanol. Precipitate at -70°C for 30 mins.

3. Centrifuge at 13200 rpm for 20 minutes at 4°C. Wash the pellets for 10 minutes. Resuspend the pellets in 100 ul of water for the input and 50 ul of water for the other samples.

4. Remove the supernatant and air dry the pellets for 10 minutes. Resuspend the pellets in 100 ul of water for the input and 50 ul of water for the other samples.

5. Electrophorese 5 ul of each sample on a 1% agarose 1xTBE gel to check DNA size. Store samples at -20°C.


IP wash buffer 1 (IPWB1)
20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1
50 mM NaCl
1% Triton X-100
0.01% SDS

IP wash buffer 2 (IPWB2)
10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.1
250 mM LiCl (1M stock 4.239g 100 ml)
1% NP-40
1% deoxycholic acid

IP elution buffer (IPEB)
100 mM NaHCO3
0.1% SDS

RNase A (10mg/ml), Proteinase K (10mg/ml), tRNA (5mg/ml), Glycogen " HYBRIDISATION_TECAN Preparation of Hybridisation mixture "Tecan Encode array hybridisation (gridsize: 2x6 cm)

Equipment and reagents

Hybridisation buffer: (50 % formamide; 5 % dextran sulphate; 0.1 % Tween 20; 2x SSC; 10 mM Tris pH 7.4)
* 3 M NaAc pH 5.2
* human Cot1 DNA (Invitrogen, order. No. 15279011, or Roche, order. No. 1581074, test the quality prior to use)
* Herring sperm DNA (Sigma, order. No. D7290)
* 100 % Ethanol, 80 % Ethanol
* Yeast tRNA (Invitrogen, order. No. 15401-029), (100 ug/ul, dissolved in water)


2 labelling reactions are needed for the ENCODE array, so make up Tube 1 twice.

Tube 1: Cy3 labelled DNA 180 ul
Cy5 labelled DNA 180 ul
human Cot1 DNA 135 ul
3M NaAc pH 5.2 55 ul
yeast tRNA 3 ul
100% EtOH (cold) 1000 ul

Mix the tube gently, cover in a rack with tin foil and precipitate the DNA for 60 min at -70°C.

Spin the precipitated DNA at 14000rpm at room temperature, wash the pellet with 80% ethanol and airdry the pellet.
Dissolve the pellet with 80ul hybridisation buffer per tube. This is best done by adding the hybridisation buffer and leaving the tube for 2-3 minutes in a 70°C heatblock before resuspending the pellet. Make sure everything is resuspended properly before you carry on with the experiment.
a. Denature the tube for 10 minutes at 100°C. Mix the sample again after 5 minutes.
b. Pulse spin the tube.
c. Place the tube into a 37°C heat block and incubate for 60 minutes (keep dark).


Apply 140 ul of the combined tubes 1 onto the slide in an automatic hybridisation machine . Make sure that you pipette the solution absolutely bubble-free in the hybchamber. Microarrays were hybridized on an automatic hybridisation station (HS4800, Tecan) for 45h at 37°C with medium agitation, washed 10 times for 1 minute with PBS 0.05% Tween20 (BDH) at 37°C, 5 times for 1 minute with 0.1x SSC at 52°C, 10x 1 minutes with PBS 0.05% Tween20 at 23°C, followed by a final wash with HPLC-grade water (BDH) at 23°C and drying under nitrogen flow for 4 minutes." SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 Scanning of Slides and Analysis Microarrays were scanned using a ScanArray 4000 confocal laser-based scanner (Perkin Elmer). Mean spot intensities from images were quantified using ScanArray Express (Perkin Elmer) with background subtraction. Spots affected by dust were manually flagged as “not found” and subsequently excluded from the analysis. Wiggle tracks were generated combining data of all replicates to the median using an R script (see also ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/encode/). Tracks can be visualised under http://www.genome.ucsc.edu/ENCODE/encode.hg17.html activating the Sanger ChIP tracks in the ENCODE Chromatin Immunoprecipitation section. TRANSFORMATION transformation "The Data of all replicates of a ChIP experiment were combined to the median using an R script (see also ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/encode/). It takes the ""Ch2 N Ratio of Means"" values over all technical replicates, where ""Ch2 N Ratio of Means"" equals the ratio of the enriched and non-enriched fractions (both background corrected and global normalised) and combines the values to the median. Tracks of this median data can be visualised using the UCSC genome browser under http://www.genome.ucsc.edu/ENCODE/encode.hg17.html activating the Sanger ChIP tracks in the ENCODE Chromatin Immunoprecipitation section." Hybridization section File[raw] File[transformed] Array[accession] Array[serial] Protocol[grow] Protocol[treatment] Protocol[extraction] Protocol[labeling] Protocol[hybridization] Protocol[scanning] Protocol[TRANSFORMATION] BioSource Sample Extract LabeledExtract Hybridization BioSourceMaterial SampleMaterial ExtractMaterial LabeledExtractMaterial Dye BioMaterialCharacteristics[Organism] BioMaterialCharacteristics[BioSourceType] BioMaterialCharacteristics[StrainOrLine] BioMaterialCharacteristics[CellType] BioMaterialCharacteristics[Sex] FactorValue[StrainOrLine] FactorValue[Immunoprecipitate] 1106-16_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-16 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1106-16_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-16 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-17_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-17 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1106-17_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-17 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-6_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-6 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1140-6_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-6 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-7_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-7 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1140-7_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-7 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-12_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-12 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1140-12_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-12 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-13_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-13 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3K4me2 (Abcam, ab7766)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me2 antibody 1140-13_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-13 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me2 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1023-16_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-16 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1023-16_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-16 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1023-17_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-17 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1023-17_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-17 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-10_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-10 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1106-10_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-10 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-11_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-11 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1106-11_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-11 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1163-8_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-8 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1163-8_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-8 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1163-9_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-9 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3K4me3 (Abcam, ab8895)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3K4me3 antibody 1163-9_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-9 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3K4me3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1023-13_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-13 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1023-13_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-13 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1023-18_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-18 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1023-18_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1023-18 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1106-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-3_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-3 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1106-3_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-3 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1140-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-3_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-3 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H3ac (Upstate, 06-599)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3ac antibody 1140-3_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-3 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H3ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1043-6_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1043-6 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1043-6_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1043-6 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1043-7_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1043-7 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP1 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1043-7_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-156 1043-7 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1 K-562_BIOREP1_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1 K-562 BIOREP1_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-4_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-4 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1106-4_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-4 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1106-5_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-5 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP2 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1106-5_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1106-5 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2 K-562_BIOREP2_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2 K-562 BIOREP2_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1140-20_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-20 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1140-20_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1140-20 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep1 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep1 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1163-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 "IP of K-562_BIOREP3 with anti H4ac (Upstate, 06-866)" K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H4ac antibody 1163-2_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1163-2 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_1 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3 K-562_BIOREP3_techrep2 Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3 K-562 BIOREP3_techrep2 ChIP H4ac hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-84_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-84 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP1a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-84_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-84 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1a K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-89_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-89 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP1a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-89_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-89 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1a K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-97_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-97 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP2a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-97_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-97 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2a K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-98_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-98 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP2a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-98_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-98 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2a K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-88_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-88 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP3a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-88_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-88 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3a K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep1a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-99_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-99 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP3a with anti H2B (Abcam, ab1790)" K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H2B antibody 1604-99_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-99 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3a K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep2a ChIP H2B hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-85_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-85 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP1a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-85_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-85 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1a K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-91_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-91 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP1a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-91_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-91 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP1a K-562_BIOREP1a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP1a K-562 BIOREP1a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-95_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-95 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP2a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-95_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-95 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2a K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-96_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-96 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP2a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-96_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-96 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP2a K-562_BIOREP2a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP2a K-562 BIOREP2a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-90_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-90 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep1a "IP of K-562_BIOREP3a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-90_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-90 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep1a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3a K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep1a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 1604-94_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-94 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7423 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep2a "IP of K-562_BIOREP3a with anti H3 (Upstate, ab1791)" K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy3 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562 anti-H3 antibody 1604-94_raw.txt FGEDM_complete.txt A-MEXP-215 1604-94 GROW_K-562 CROSSLINK_K-562_2 CHROMATIN_IMMUNOPRECIPITATION P-MEXP-7422 HYBRIDISATION_TECAN SCANARRAYEXPRESS-2 TRANSFORMATION K-562 K-562_BIOREP3a K-562_BIOREP3a_techrep2a Input control DNA of K-562_BIOREP3a K-562 BIOREP3a_techrep2a ChIP H3 hyb cell genomic_DNA genomic_DNA synthetic_DNA Cy5 Homo sapiens frozen_sample K-562 human erythroleukemia cell line derived from a chronic myeloid leukemia patient in blast crisis female K-562