ArrayExpress::Curator::Standalone - Standalone experiment checking.
use ArrayExpress::Curator::Standalone; my $checker = ArrayExpress::Curator::Standalone->new({ data_files => \@ARGV, }); $checker->check();
This module provides the basic operations needed for checking a set of data files in full standalone mode. For MIAMExpress and Tab2MAGE experiment checking, see the ArrayExpress::Curator::MIAMExpress manpage and the ArrayExpress::Curator::Validate manpage, respectively.
The following options must be used in addition to those provided by the parent class (see the ArrayExpress::Curator::ExperimentChecker manpage):
An array reference containing a list of data filenames to be checked.
Tim Rayner (, ArrayExpress team, EBI, 2007.
Acknowledgements go to the ArrayExpress curation team for feature requests, bug reports and other valuable comments.